KLTC Events
Next Race: 11/05/2025
Alive Oasis Sport & Leisure Pool, Central Promenade, Hunstanton PE36 5BD
Next Race: 11/05/2025
Alive Oasis Sport & Leisure Pool, Central Promenade, Hunstanton PE36 5BD
Sun 11th May is the next installment of our popular novice & spectator-friendly race, involving a 200m pool swim at Alive Oasis, a looped 18km (3 x 6km) cycle around Hunstanton town centre and a 3.5km run to the St Edmunds gardens near the lighthouse and back, finishing on the green. The race is chip-timed and the route is fully signed and marshalled, making it a great event for novices aged 16+ by the end of the year, but it also has enough challenge for the more seasoned triathlete too.
ENTRIES OPEN 31/01/2025 at 12noon
Cost of entry has been kept at £40 for 2025 with no extra admin or online transaction fees. An additional BTF Race Pass (£2 or £8) may need to be purchased during sign-up , in which case we srop our own price to absorb the BTF's transaction fee. You can update your own details yourself, including estimated swim time, using a link provided in your confirmation email. You can also set up your own JustGiving page during registration.
We're proud to be raising funds for Hunstanton RNLI once again. By donating the majority of what little profit we make from the race along with all donations made during registration, we manage to raise £500 last year. While that isn't huge, we keep our entry price as low as possible so please consider making a donation during sign-up, or use the seperate donate tab. We pass 100% of all donations to the RNLI.
Important Dates & Times |
Capacity | 130 |
Opening date for entries | 12 Noon, Fri 31st Jan |
Closing date for entries | Midnight, Thurs 1st May |
Last date for swim times | Midnight, Thurs 1st May |
Registration | 1400 - 1600, Sat 10th May |
0600 - 0700, Sun 11th May | |
Transition Open | 0600 - 0730, Sun 11th May |
Race Briefing (Mandatory) | 0720 |
Race Start | 0745 |
All competitors should be familiar with BTF's latest competition rules. A race manual and swim start times will be emailed out to all competitor as soon as possible after entries have closed. Last year's race manual can be found here, but only the details in the 2025 race manual are to be used on the day.
Swim (200m)
Set off at regular intervals, you will complete 8 x 25m lengths using any stroke (except backstroke) before exiting the pool via the steps and out in to transition.
Swim order is decided based on submitted swim time, so please try to provide a realistic estimate as swimming significantly faster/slower than those around you can be frustrating and normally results in a slower swim time. You can change your swim estimate up to the 10th May using the link supplied in your registration confirmation email, so there's plenty opportunity to time yourself in your own pool before race day. You can also look at previous results as a guide.
Bike (18km)
Any type of bike is allowed, so long as it is in a roadworthy condition and has working brakes. A properly-fitting bike helmet is also mandatory.
This event is NOT draft legal. If you want to know the latest rules on drafting, take a look at them on the BTF website here. The mount/dismount line will be located on Seagate road and you will cycle to the roundabout at the bottom of Oasis Way then complete 3 laps of the town before returning back along Seagate Road to transition. The route will be fully signed on the day and marshals will be present at most junctions.The bike route is well signed but you can find a .gpx file in the routes tab and there is a strava course available here on Strava , which anyone can view. If you are worried about doing too few or too many loops, just remember you only need to go up the hill three times.
Run (3.5km)
Once your bike is racked, you'll head north along the promenade, up the zig-zag path and along the clifftop path towards the lighthouse. Unfortunately, you won't have time to fully admire the St Edmunds Chapel ruins as you still have to run back through the gardens towards the finish by the bandstand. The route is a mix of tarmac and grass, but will be signed and marshalled on the morning of the race so you are unlikely to get lost.
Pre-race Registration & Race Briefing
Pre-race Registration for the event will be in Alive Oasis cafe. You are encouraged to register and pick up your race pack on Sat 18th, when you can also ask any last-minute questions and give you more time to set up your transition in the morning. If you are a home nation member, please remember to bring proof of membership otherwise you will need to purchase a BTF Race Pass online during registration. Please also ensure that your level of membership includes race insurance, otherwise you will also need to buy a race pass.
We will keep you informed of any changes before race day but a final race briefing will be given just before the start and is mandatory for ALL competitors. This is a chance for the race director to inform you of any changes from the race manual, such as any new hazards or last-minute changes to a route. The race briefing will take place in transition.
BTF Race Pass
As part of the British Triathlon Competition Rules, individuals are required to become a member of the sport when taking part in a British Triathlon permitted event and hold a race licence. A Race Pass is for individuals who are not annual members of British Triathlon or whose membership does not include a race license and replaces their now obsolete Day Membership, the difference being that your contact details and fee are both sent direct to the BTF during registration. A Race Pass costs £2 for participants aged under 24 and £8 for those aged 24 years and can be purchased as part of this event sign-up. Full details can be found at https://www.britishtriathlon.org/race-pass
While there is limited room for your supporters to marvel at your transition skills, it is an easy walk to get to the green in plenty time to see you come past on your first lap of the 3 lap bike course and cheer you across the finish line after your run.
Changing Facilities
Alive Oasis has ample toilet and changing facilities. You will be allowed to use the lockers and return to have a shower after the race.
Transition will be on the pedestrianised area at the end of Seagate road. Access to set up your transition will be via Seagate Road on the morning of the event only. Only registered competitors will be allowed in transition.
Marshalls will inspect your bike and check for correct helmet fit before allowing you in to transition. While they are not allowed to fix any problems for you, we will have a bike mechanic on hand that may be able to help. Transition is closed during the race, meaning you cannot remove your bike until the last competitor is out on their run.
There is on-street parking around Hunstanton, but many have time limits and there is a large pay carpark on Beach Terrace Rd only meters away from transition. There is a list of official car parks here.
Hunstanton has moved to cashless parking, so please allow enough time to vent your frustration at the ticket machine while downloading yet another app to your phone. You can prepare in advance here.
Also worth noting is that there is no overnight parking on Cliff Parade, which means not parking there before 8am.
Southend Car Park, Beach Terrace Road, Hunstanton, PE36 5AR
Parking charges are enforced on Sundays and parking attendants are VERY vigilant.
Overall Rating